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Article: First Night at TG00

First night at TG00

Somebody is obviously turning the brightness control outside UP, and we're soon done with our first night at TG00 (well, at least for most of us it's the first night). Some of us were awake, and some of us slept. For the second group, I (as a self-appointed representative of the first group) will summarize what happened during the night, so both groups will feel that they didn't miss anything...

What happened...

Fourteen rounds of the Q3A FFA compo have been held. And every single one has been anounced on the speaker system. Twice ;-)

A fire alarm went off (see separate story), and when somebody finally managed to stop it, there was a huge (at least compared to the one Per and Vegard received -- way to go, TG-people!) applause, mainly because people could go on making their own noise instead of listening to others'.

The network has been up and down, mostly somewhere in between. There have been rumours about an external people flooding the network, but these have not been confirmed, so don't believe in them, 'cause it's all your fault... porn pigs. ;-)

A person was tied up (with tape) and then rolled through the entire ship. Info:Web does not know why. Any theories are highly appreciated, pictures even more so.