Players: 8 vs 8
Maps: 2
Rounds per map: 2
Time per round: 20 minutes
The competition will be played with the latest published version, unless
the latest published version is known to inhabit serious security or game-
flaws/bugs. The game crew will decide which version to run. Only a valid
version of the game will be accepted.
Only players which are pre-registered to their clan/team at least one hour
before match-start will be allowed to play. The players can only play for
ONE clan/team throughout the entire tournament.
Each team chooses one map for each match. This choice must must be presented
to the oposing team at least two hours before the match begins.
You cannot play the same map twice. Only original maps will be allowed, with
exceptions of Battle of Britain, Coral Sea and Invasion of the Philippines.
Delays/no-show players:
If the match is delayed because of missing players, a fifteen minute delay
in match-start will be given. After this time, the team missing most players
can choose either to play the game "as is" or to let the other team
win on
If the match is delayed because one of the teams is missing in entirety,
a fifteen minute delay will be given. If the team is still missing, the
team that turned up will be awarded a win.
Posponding a match:
A match can be postponed if both teams agrees to this and the game crew
approves it. If a postponed match suffers from delays/no-show players,
the current rules apply.
If a player drops out during the game, the match must be paused.
The team losing the player has five minutes to get the player back ingame.
You are allowed to bring in a reserve, but if the team is not complete
after the original five minute deadline, your oponent can demand that
the match continues.
Every team can pause the game only once per round.
The match-server will be put up and assigned to you by the game crew.
During the game, the server will be controlled by one player appointed
to do so. The server will be set up in pure mode and teame will have
a chance to try it out before the competition begins.
Information about the server-settings can be requested from the game crew.
Server crash:
If the server goes down before the match has passed ten minutes of playtime,
the entire round shall be played from the beginning.
If the server goes down after the match has passed ten minutes of playtime,
the round will be restared with 50% ticks and the round-time will be lowered
to 10 minutes.
Spectators are only allowed if both teams allows for it. Spectators MUST use
the following nick-prefix: SPECTATOR|nick.
If the amount of spectators reaches high leves, the game crew has the power
to remove all spectators from the match.
Before the match:
At least two hours before the match the team-leader for teach team must
contact each other in order to work out what maps to be played, which
team begins as axis/allies, if spectators are allowed (and if so; how many),
if there are any wishes to postpone the match etc.
The result of this MUST be reported to the game crew immediately.
During the match:
Each team must be clearly marked with their own clan-tag to separate the
players. Spectators must use the nick-prefix as specified under "Spectators"
above. Team-leaders are responsible for taking screenshots of scores and
team-setup at the end of each round.
Any form of cheating or the abuse of game-engine bugs will be punished
with a loss and expolsure from the competition.
"cheating" and "abuse of game-engine bugs" are defined as,
but not
limited to; usage of 3rd party software which influences the game
in any way, errors in the main game code/engine, or maps used beyond
what is considered normal. Diving and jumping with explosives are not
considered cheating. If cheating is suspected, document the event as
best as you can with screenshots and report it to the game crew
Reporting the results:
The end result must be registered by each team-leader at the end of
the match. The exception of this is if a complaint has been filed.
If both teams have entered the results in the partyticket-system,
the match is seen as approved and there will be no chance to complain
about this. The end result must be documented by screenshots from
each team-leader.
If there is anything unclear about these rules, it is the players responsibility
to contact the game crew and get a clarification as soon as possible.
Game admins are available in the game crew area at any time when the games
are being played. We are also available at Ventrilo, and IRC #tg-game @ EF-Net
or via mail:
At contact:
When you contact a game admin or a representative from the other team you
are playing, registered nicks must be used. You must also clearly indicate
what team you are playing for. If it is regarding a match also include the
Opening rounds:
Opening rounds will be played at your own computers at The Gathering.
The server will be set up by the game crew. IP and password to the servers will
be given out at an hour before the match begins.
The finals will be played in the game-park near the game crew-area.
You are allowed to bring your own mouse, mousepad, keyboard and headset.
If you wish you use voice-com you must bring your own microphone/headset
with microphone.
A Ventrilo-server and a Teamspeak-server will be available during the matches.
There will be public channels for just chatting but also password protected
channels for every team if the teams wish to use them. Only official Ventrilo
and Teamspeak-servers can be used.
Summing up:
- Register on time
- Be at the game crew area (finals) at least 10 minutes before your match starts
so you are ready to start right away.
- Make sure you understand all of the rules. If in doubt, contact the game crew.
- Any form of cheating will lead to the team in question to be disqualified
listed as a cheater on our website. The rules are the ones hereby listed and
the clanbase-rules linked to above.