The people in the hall got a chance to mail us questions for our special guest, David Fox. We could only choose a few of them due to limited time. Still, he has been a great sport in answering as many of them as he could and turning it into a great interview which is a joy to read for anyone with a slight interest in games and game development. Enjoy! [Read
DDR - European Cup
| 2004.04.11
The Gathering hosted this year the first of four tournaments
in the European Cup 2004.
As much as 60 participants from different countries all over europe, came to
to compete against each other, some with better chances to win than other, but
even though, everyone had the same spirit to compete among the worlds best computer
The Gathering Crew are the people who make The Gathering what it is.
They work their ass off to give you the best gathering each year. You have
maybe discovered that the majority in the crew are boys, but among all these
male crewmembers, there are some girls. [Read
A quick chat with "DDR-Dex"
| 2004.04.11
Dex won the European championship that was hosted at TG Saturday. We caught him at the DDR-machines (big surprise) in the early morning-hours this sunny Sunday morning, and he agreed to do a quick chat with us. [Read
Morning Talk
| 2004.04.10
After a quick breakfast and a cup of coffee I and my photographer decided to take a stroll among the rows and interview some random persons asking them about what they're doing and what The Gathering means to them. [Read
Interview with a DDR organizer
| 2004.04.10
Nils Tony Rønningen is one of the people organizing the European championship in DDR here at The Gathering. This is his first, but not last time on TG. [Read
Girl running Linux
| 2004.04.10
Vilde Anna Egeland is 16 years old and comes from Skien. She is one of the few girls here at The Gathering, and also running Linux. [Read
Interview with demosceners
| 2004.04.10
We decided to take a walk over to the demoscene area at The Gathering and have an interview with some demosceners. For those of you that doesn't know where this is, try looking at rows 31-34 at the west side of the ship.
Do you want to make computer games?
| 2004.04.10
If you are a gamer or if you just think that the graphics and music in games are fascinating this is an article you should offer some time to read. I will explain to you how some of the most basic building blocks in computer games are made, and what you can do to learn more about them.
Female Nerd
| 2004.04.09
We wanted to see if girls are just as "geeky" as some of us boys.
We have interviewed Siren E. Hole aka Krapylet about what she is doin during The Gathering, and what kind of relationship she has to a computer and the computer community. [Read
Bored? Try animating!
| 2004.04.09
If you attended the seminars in animation hosted by Idefagskolen, you got a nice intro to the animator's world. If not; we got it summed up here! And; we got an interview with the Flash-master at Idefagskolen. [Read
Outside in the sun!
| 2004.04.08
People are enjoying the April sun and positive Celsius grades in the air outside
the Vikingship. The clock is just over 15:00, and the barbecue is soon to begin.
Sverre (21 years old and comes from Uddevalla , Sweden), Matias (18 years and
comes from Asker) and Øyvind (18 years old and comes from Hurum) is about
to get ready for the barbeque, but had a few minutes to spare for an interview.
| 2004.04.08
After the opening show concert I got an interview with the three guys in Stratosphere, Flipside, emPhazer and FreeFall. After getting some refreshments after an exciting concert they sat down for an interview in the press room. [Read
Party is on
| 2004.04.08
Just to get in mood for The Gathering 2004, we took a little trip outside the ship, to the parking lot to look for some of the participants who arrived earlier this cold Tuesday evening. They are already in party-mood and they will wait all night long to be the first into The Gathering 2004. [Read
The democompetitions are over, and we got some great releases this year.
Check out the results of our democompos!