Nils Tony Rønningen is one of the people organizing the European championship in DDR here at The Gathering. This is his first, but not last time on TG.
By Tor Ivar Hansen, photo Helge Hoel
What is your job here at The Gathering?
I watch the DDR machines and help people having problems with them. I will be active in the arrangement of the championship later.
How many people are attending the DDR competition?
Well, we have about 58-60 people now. They are not only people from Norway . In fact, some guys from England have been here some days now, and they have rented some laptops to keep themselves busy until the big day, Saturday.
You say people not only from Norway. Where are the attendees coming from?
I'm going to pick up some people from France later today coming by plane. We also have people coming from Russia just to be a part of the DDR championship. It's really cool to see so many engaged.
What do you think of the dancing skills for people in general here at The Gathering?
Oh, it varies a lot! ?Some are really good. While others could need some more practice to be at the same level. It's important to remember that the pros use about 10 songs each day to practice and some have been doing DDR for 7 years now.
Do they have their own DDR machines at home?
No, that would be very expensive. Many go to a place with a machine like others go to a gym. There are some substitutes like Xbox and Playstation. But they don't beat the real thing.
Maybe the professionals scare away some curious amateurs?
Yes, I think they do. But this is like anything else. If you don't start, you won't develop better skills either. I really encourage all who is interested in DDR to try it out! ?If it's something for you, then you should use some time and train up. Come and watch the dancing during Saturday. You might get inspired!
The reporter and photographer wish Nils and the rest of the people behind the DDR European Championship the best.