Info regarding signup
We have the same signup procedure as last year. Please review this information carefully!
Stage 1:
Stage one of the signup is to make a "team" or be an individual and signup for the game compos at
This should be easy, but if you have any problems, contact
Stage 2:
Stage two is due on wednesday 22:00 (10:00 PM). This is really a simple task. Contact Event:Game crew and just tell them that you have arrived and you are ready to participate. You must state your nick (clan name) to be signed up.
Make sure that Event:Game HAS signed you up.
If stage 2 is not completed within wednesday 22:00, you will NOT get the change to participate.
Team/Player limits for each compo:
CounterStrike: 144 teams
WarCraft 3: 144 players
BattleField 1942: 32 / 16 teams
Quake 3: 64 / 32 players