Some people at TG are having problems with hackers, here is a little guide
how to protect your computer:
What you need to do is update your windows installation with the latest
security updates.
To do it smoothly you need a firewall, install one in the following way.
To prevent the hackers from rebooting your computer while you are
upgrading, you need to have a firewall, besides, everyone should have have
a firewall anyways, so we'll start with that.
If you have Windows XP, there is a built in firwall, disconnect your tp
cable, then do the following:
Go to Start - control panel - network connections
Right-click "Local Area Connection" (or whatever your internet
connection is called)
Select "Properties"
Go to the tab "Advanced"
Check the box "Protect my computer...
Click "OK"
Now you can reconnect the tp cable and go on to the next section.
If you have another windows version, you need to get another firewall, a
good free one is ZoneAlarm, to install it, do as follows:
Download the file from:
(If you can't be online long enough without getting rebooted, have
a friend download it for you and put it on a cd.)
Disconnect the tp cable
Install the firewall
Reconnect the tp cable
Now it's time to get the upgrades:
Surf to:
There will be a dialog box asking if you wish to download and run
some software, select "Yes"
Follow the instructions and install all updates, you will need to
reboot a few times, after each reboot, go back to the site and continue
until it says, there are no updates for your system.
Even if you have Windows XP, I recommend installing another firewall, that
will give you better control over your network connection.
Good Luck!
Pierre Fagrell aka MrFrenzy